
Affiliate Campaign Page

[XYZ Campaign or Offer Name]

Promotional Dates: [Month, Day, Year] to [Month, Day, Year]

Commission Offered: [Payout or Commission for every sale and any minimum requirements]  [recurring or one-time]

Type of Offer: [Service, Digital Product, Membership, Other]

Offer Description: The [XYZ Offer is a XYZ] that is ideal for [X] Audience. The [XYZ offer] includes [X], [Y], and [Z].

On this page, you'll find important information including where to find your share links, the assets you'll need for promotions, and tips to get started.Take a minute to watch the short intro video to learn more about promoting this offer.

Video Poster Image

On this page, you'll find important information including where to find your share links, the assets you'll need for promotions, and tips to get started. Take a minute to watch the short intro video to learn more about promoting this offer.

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Grab Your Promotional Assets

SHARE LINK: You can find your personal share link in your affiliate dashboard [LINK HERE].

Take a minute to watch the short intro video above to learn more about how the affiliate program works for this offer. 


The email swipe files you need for this campaign.



The graphic assets you need for all promotions. 



The social media swipe files you need to promote.

Log In to the Dashboard
Download the Complete Promo Kit

Win prizes when you earn...

Prize #1 

Description:  [Explain Prize #1]

How to Qualify: [E.g. Minimum number of sales, by a certain date]

Announcement Date: [Month/Day/Year]

Get Share Link

Prize #2

Description:  [Explain Prize #2]

How to Qualify: [E.g. Minimum number of sales, by a certain date]

Announcement Date: [Month/Day/Year]

Get Share Link

Prize #3

Description:  [Explain Prize #3

How to Qualify: [E.g. Minimum number of sales, by a certain date]

Announcement Date: [Month/Day/Year]

Get Share Link

[XYZ Campaign Name] Leaderboard

Description:  [Describe how the leaderboard works]

Dates: [What dates is the leaderboard relevant?]

Prizes: [What are the leaderboard prizes?]

How to Qualify: [E.g. Minimum number of sales, by a certain date]

Prizes Announced: [Month/Day/Year]

Get Share Link

Promotional Phases


Dates: [Month/Day/Year]

Description: [Describe the Warm-Up Event]

Audience: [X best audience]

Opportunities: [Promotion idea #1], [Promotion idea #2], [Promotion idea #3]

Download Assets


Dates: [Month/Day/Year]

Description: [Describe the Warm-Up Event]

Audience: [X best audience]

Opportunities: [Promotion idea #1], [Promotion idea #2], [Promotion idea #3]

Download Assets


Dates: [Month/Day/Year]

Description: [Describe the Warm-Up Event]

Audience: [X best audience]

Opportunities: [Promotion idea #1], [Promotion idea #2], [Promotion idea #3]

Download Assets

Evergreen Promotion

Description: [Describe the Warm-Up Event]

Audience: [X best audience]

Opportunities: [Promotion idea #1], [Promotion idea #2], [Promotion idea #3]

Download Assets

Important Dates

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