Affiliate Information

Join the [XYZ Business Name] Affiliate Family

Help [X audience or customer] to [y]. Our [ product / service ] helps [who] worldwide to [xyz transformation].

While they [benefit received], YOU earn $$ for spreading the word and helping them find us!

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Sign Up as an Affiliate

Share With Others...And Profit!

Collaborating with us as an affiliate is not only easy, but organized and FUN! You receive all the resources and training needed to build an additional stream of passive income for your business.  

Take a minute to watch the short intro video above to learn more about how you can partner with us.

Step 1: Apply

Apply to be an affiliate partner. It takes less than 2 minutes. Just click the button below.

Step 2: Share

Promote our [ products / services / offers ] to your audience using the promotional tools we provide.

Step 3: Earn

Receive X% commission every time someone you refer makes a purchase.

Apply to Partner with Us
Download the Affiliate Kit

Our Core Offers at a Glance, and Commissions Payable

Product Name

Sentence about product, commission % and commission $ amount payable.

Product Name

Sentence about product, commission % and commission $ amount payable.

Product Name

Sentence about product, commission % and commission $ amount payable.

“Thanks to the XYZ affiliate program, I've made an additional $X,000 in passive income this month! ”

- Affiliate Name, Affiliate Business
There are only so many amazing products and services you can promote to your audience each year before they get tired of hearing from you. 

choose affiliate offers that give you the most bang for buck,

and provide you with everything you need to make your promotions a success with maximum ROI
Thorough Onboarding
Affiliate Dashboard
Affiliate Community
Affiliate Coaching
X% Commissions
Lifetime Commissions
Swipe Files & Graphics
Affiliate Support 
Affiliate Mixers
Promo Strategy & Lookahead
Resource Hub
Co-Marketing Opportunities


"In my very first month as an affiliate partner with [XYX Business], I earned $X in commissions. This financial boost enabled me to [awesome outcome]. Definitely a win!”

- Affiliate Name, Affiliate Business

Become a [XYZ Business Name] partner today.

Sign Up as an Affiliate
Download Affiliate Kit